Developing Empathy in Young Children

“The Month of the Young Child® (MOYC®) is an annual celebration sponsored by the Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children (MiAEYC). The purpose of MOYC® is to focus public attention on the needs and rights of young children and their families, and to recognize the early childhood professionals, programs and services that meet those needs.” ~ Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children.
Month of the Young Child® is divided into four focus weeks:
  • Week 1- April 1-8: Physical Development
  • Week 2- April 9-15: Social Development
  • Week 3- April 16-22: Emotional Development
  • Week 4- April 23-30: Cognitive Development
In honor of Week 2, focusing on Social Development, we wanted to point you in the direction of some insights that share how you can nurture empathy in your child.
Claire Lerner and Rebecca Parlakian have written an exceptional article on the Zero to Three website. This parenting resource, titled “How to Help Your Child Develop Empathy,” defines empathy, provides empathy milestones and provides parents and caregivers with practical ways of instilling empathy in your child. Click here to read more from this great resource!
At AppleTree & Gilden Woods we have designed the C.O.R.E. Values Program, a fun and rewarding character education program which utilizes our special Woodland Friends. The goal of our character education program is to prepare children to become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens. It is our belief that when children are encouraged to model positive character traits they excel even greater upon reaching Kindergarten.
Learn more about our C.O.R.E. Values Program and schedule your personal tour by contacting your local AppleTree or Gilden Woods Early Care and Preschool. Click here to find a school near you!
